The extent to which estimates your own time? In fact most of us estimate “spare time” more than anything else in the world, because as we know, our time is limited to a relatively short life on this planet.
But if we appreciate the time so much, why you did find a lot of investors may be unaware of the value and power of time and its significant impact on the performance of their trading in the Forex market?
In today’s article, I will discuss with you the importance of time in circulation and how to use it properly, and how the difference between Successful and Unsuccessful Trading in the market often depends on the extent to estimate the value of time.
Time = Money. The literal sense.
I want you to start thinking about the time as a “currency” which is part of the balance of your trading account. Whenever you have more time, whenever you have more value, we can all agree on that. In trading, you find the argument time equals money literally true, if the time is used correctly. Let me explain this point …..
First, the only way to lose money in the market is by having a losing trading. Think with me for a moment, when you sit in front of your PC without doing trading, then you will not lose your money properly ?, and avoid losing money, in addition to not re profits made in the successful trading are two ways the key to spend time without trading also Asaaadak on growth your trading account faster.
It may seem counterintuitive for many of us, because we are human beings, we tend to think that “more time” is the best in anything, work, school, sports, etc … Vqdhae more time in anything you do is almost always a part of the road to success. However, trading is something different, as to spend more time in trading usually does not equal success. Trading success is usually achieved through the selection of driveways carefully and patiently wait to come to the appropriate point and most obvious to you, and these things include more time spent in front of the trading screens without making trading as do most investors.
Most investors fail, and everyone knows it, we all heard about the arrival of the failure rate in the forex market to 90%, it is really sad that this is true. The question here is, do most investors are disciplined? No. Thus, if most investors were undisciplined and Sabrin, and most investors are losing within the forex markets, the logical inference is that you should be more patient and disciplined while doing trading. This means basically that you need to trade a lot less and give more value to the time you spend without doing trading.
Almost 10% of the successful investors in the secondary market have the same hours of the day that you have. However. What they have learned is that sit for less time to do the trade and perfecting their own trading strategy so they will know when to trade and when not to do, that is, they eventually are able to use time to their advantage in the market.
Investors throughout the day compared to investors Exploited time
Mentality of investors who trade day and night throughout the day are very different from the mentality of the patient investors who put a specific time of Trading.
First of investors always they find themselves forced to stay in the market constantly. This pattern of trading simply means that these investors vulnerable to loss-making deals that eat their profits, they do not Atjern the right time to enter the market as does the second type of investors exploiters of time. This is usually the end result of investors throughout the day trading is an addiction that people spend more invested most of his time in front of the trading screens in a state of panic and cognitive dissonance seems to be an investor, it is difficult to completely stop trading. In addition to the above, it is also difficult to get a high probability trading positions when they are actually in the market.
The other type of investors they are skilled investors Exploited artfully time, they know very well that most of their money at risk in the market. They also know that the goal of the first investor is to reduce the risk and the second goal is to increase profits with Lazy Trader APP, and the very opposite of the actions of the first type of investors who focus much more on bonuses and profits more than focus on risk management properly. Successful investor depends mainly on the “defense” because he knows that a good defense will lead ultimately to the lack of a “crime”, so to speak. In other words, if you manage capital risk properly, and use the time to your advantage by waiting and patience to pick out high-probability trading deals, the profits begin to accumulate in your Trading account.
Let’s look at the example of the default curves stock investor the length of the trading day, and the investor at certain times of trading:
Graph for the investor, which depends on the length of the trading day shows a remarkable increase in the beginning, and then slowly but surely, and with the passage of time, the curve starts to fall. Too much trading eventually lead to loss of profits that have been made before, and this is what will lead eventually to the drain, whether fast or slow, the money in your trading account.
The other type of investors, who are the exploiters of time shrewdly and nimble, relying on much more Hdaa trading with less frequency. Note this kind occurred a slow rise, but at a fixed trading curve. Note well the existence of losses in trading transactions, but because it uses the time to his advantage by selecting high transaction possibility very carefully, the win and the profits stay close to him to make up for any earlier losses, with the passage of time, you find that the curve takes an upward trend.
Does not marginalize the importance of time to the success of your trading
By the end of today’s article, I would like to first make sure that it has now become clear that the loss-making trade deals that can not be avoided. Even successful investors Exploited time with patience and cunning should be exposed to the loss of deals, you will find that the best investors are losing 50% of their trading positions. There are two types of losses in the forex market, the first type is the losses that are a natural part of any trading strategy, there is no escape from this kind of losses, while the second type of losses are losses can be avoided, and that caused the excessive trading, and spend a lot of time in front of the trading screens.
Thus, if you take an article from today’s point-and-one, then let those referring to the need to pick and choose the trading mentality of the entrances to be patient so that you can make the most of your time in the market to take advantage. And always remember, be patient and wait for the right time to enter the market will help you a lot on the growth of your trading account Nuvo Finance well, because you avoid re-use of your profits or losing money through transactions “dumb.”
The post There’s More Money In Your Trading Account Than You Think appeared first on The Daily Harrison.